Project News

Construction underway on ten Community Hospitals to give Victorian patients the best care

In response to growing demand, the Victorian Government and the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) are developing 10 Community Hospitals to provide local access to residents and reduce dependence on acute hospitals. This is a significant initiative that will integrate health and social services to provide a more coordinated and holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

The Capital Insight team was proud to direct the capital planning process through to business case delivery, working with VHBA and the Health Services to maximise value across the 10 projects within the $675 million program budget.

Our team was also involved in the site negotiations and transactions, and progressing the delivery of the first tranche of hospitals to meet an accelerated program. With construction works commencing for the Cranbourne Community Hospital, we are very excited to see the program move to implementation to support local residents.

Source: VHBA