
Taree Courthouse Refurbishment

Business case preparation for a $5 million courthouse refurbishment to service Taree and surrounding areas.

High Risk Management Unit (Supermax 2)

Developed a business case for a High Risk Management Unit for high security risk inmates which minimised any potential for criminal networking, escape planning and influence beyond the prison walls in Parramatta.

New Correctional Centre’s and Gaol Expansion

Undertook a portfolio economic appraisal for five proposed capital developments to provided additional accommodation within the NSW correctional system in response to a rise in inmate numbers.

Armidale Courthouse Business Case

Business case preparation for a new $15 million courthouse to service the Armidale and surrounding areas.

Juvenile Justice NSW FM Strategy

Developed a business case for a new forensic pathology and court facilities.

Downing Centre and John Maddison Tower Redevelopment

Business Case for the redevelopment of the Downing Centre and John Maddison Tower

New Grafton Correctional Centre

Business case and PPP investigation report for new Grafton Correctional Centre.

Juvenile Justice – Frank Baxter Education Centre

Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre Education Expansion and Acmena Juvenile Justice Centre Vocational Kitchen Refurbishment