Tertiary Education is one of the growth industries for Australia, and competition for undergraduate and post-graduate students, and researchers is high. Student populations are growing and teaching and learning modes are changing. We understand that new or expanded educational research and extra-curricular facilities need to have an edge, as well as the benefits of collocated campuses.
We are familiar with these drivers and trends, and have worked successfully with leading tertiary institutions in project planning, feasibility, business cases, industry partnerships, project management and equipment procurement.
UQ Lakes and Amphitheatre upgrade
UQ Lakes and Amphitheatre upgrade
Superintendent and external Project Manager for the refurbishment of the lake and renewal of the amphitheatre for University of Queensland
UQ Health and Recreation Centre
UQ Health and Recreation Centre
Superintendent and External Project Manager for UQ’s new Health and Recreation Centre, including facilities for UQ Sport, UQ Healthcare/MSK, UQ Wellness and Tennis Club
Darwin Education and Community Precinct
Darwin Education and Community Precinct
Project Director and Project Manager for the $250m Darwin Education and Community Precinct, including project definition, business cases, legal and funding agreements, planning, design, and procurement.
Roundhouse Public Domain
Roundhouse Public Domain
Project Manager for the $10 million UNSW Roundhouse Public Domain, delivered over a number of stages, including connections to Anzac Parade, to interface with the new light rail stop and broader campus, new green spaces for students, a new in-ground rain water retention tank and infrastructure services.
Roundhouse Redevelopment
Roundhouse Redevelopment
Project Manager for the $32 million redevelopment of the UNSW Roundhouse including new HVAC, a commercial kitchen and bar, staging/performance systems, new energy efficient exterior lighting, staff and student accommodaiton and a full interior refit within the original building envelope.
Biological Sciences Building – Stage 2
Biological Sciences Building – Stage 2
Project Manager for the refurbishment of University of NSW's eight level building accommodating biological science teaching spaces, teaching and research laboratories, support spaces and staff and student accommodation.
Western Sydney University Medical Feasibility Study
Western Sydney University Medical Feasibility Study
Capital Insight led a market sounding exercise to identify potential partner interest for a GP service to support the growing Macarthur population
Molecular and Life Sciences Building
Molecular and Life Sciences Building
Project manager from concept design to operational commissioning to deliver the University of Wollongong's cutting-edge transformational molecular research facility including a Cryo TEM Suite and other specialist equipment.
Forgan Smith School of Law Refurbishment
Forgan Smith School of Law Refurbishment
Principal’s Representative and project advisors for the $26 million, three level refurbishment of the Forgan Smith building, known as the TC Beirne School of Law, including the Walter Harrison Law Library, moot court, seminar and meeting rooms, academic offices and three storey atrium.
Innovation Health and Wellbeing Campus
Innovation Health and Wellbeing Campus
Preliminary Business Case for a world class primary and ambulatory healthcare service, and PPP scoping and transaction management.
Macquarie University Arts Precinct
Macquarie University Arts Precinct
Project Manager for the project feasibility, design, construction and relocation phases of Macquarie University’s $132m Arts Precinct, including a new showcase building housing world-class museums, teaching and office spaces, and the adaptive re-use of two existing buildings.
Science and Engineering Building
Science and Engineering Building
Project Manager for the delivery of the University of NSW's $210 million Science and Engineering Building, including flexible research, teaching, and sensitive instrument laboratories, teaching spaces, and a new theatrical teaching and performance space for the faculty of Arts and Sciences.
E7A Building Refurbishment and Atrium
E7A Building Refurbishment and Atrium
Project manager for the seven level refurbishment of Macquarie University’s foundation E7A building, known as the Mitchell building, including staff accommodation, conference rooms and three storey glass atrium to integrate E7A with the adjacent E7B.
Facility Audit and Accommodation Strategy
Facility Audit and Accommodation Strategy
Facility audit of Monash University’s Caulfield Campus to determine current usage and occupancy, identify opportunities for more intense office accommodation, and develop and examine scenarios leading to a medium-term accommodation strategy to meet 2020 demand.
Hilmer Building
Hilmer Building
Project Manager for the delivery of University of NSW's materials research and teaching laboratories, workshops and workspace, delivered under a DF&C contract to an accelerated program.
Tyree Energy Technologies Building
Tyree Energy Technologies Building
Project Manager for University of NSW’s flagship facility for research, learning and teaching in energy technologies. The $125 million building is six star Green Star Certification.
Minor Works Project Manager
Minor Works Project Manager
Project Manager assisting Macquarie University Property with a number of minor works and asset renewal projects.
Biological Sciences Building – Stage 1
Biological Sciences Building – Stage 1
Project Manager for University of NSW's new nine level building accommodating biological science teaching spaces, teaching and research laboratories, support spaces and staff and student accommodation.
Building Contractor Register Scheme
Building Contractor Register Scheme
Developed a Building Contractor Register Scheme for capital works valued between $100,000 and $10 million for the NSW Facilities Management group. The scheme prequalifies building contractors, who may then be invited to tender on works associated with building & construction projects.
Oral Health Centre
Oral Health Centre
Engaged mid-project to assess significant contract challenges for the University of Queensland's advanced tertiary oral health facility over 7 levels and including simulation areas, pre-clinical laboratories, lecture rooms and research laboratories.
Camperdown and Darlington Public Domain
Camperdown and Darlington Public Domain
Integrated program across University of Sydney campuses to remove vehicular traffic, improve open space and pedestrian access including a new footbridge across City Road.
School of Information Technologies
School of Information Technologies
Five level complex for University of Sydney comprising specialised teaching and research laboratories to house postgraduate programs and key research centres, and energy efficiency rating of 4.5 ABGR reducing consumption by 20-30%.
Jane Foss Russell Building
Jane Foss Russell Building
New centralised student services building for University of Sydney comprising a combined science and technology and library and an outdoor plaza located in the centre of the university campus as well as the provision of new retail and food outlets.
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law
Academic and administrative staff accommodation for University of Sydney including the development included a Moot Court facility, law library, auditoriums, lecture theatres, teaching spaces, cafes and a public forecourt.
Animal Behavioural Laboratory
Animal Behavioural Laboratory
Project Management of a best-practice facility for research, teaching and learning related to animal behaviour, including a Health Workshop, Research Consumables Stores and Animal Behavioural Laboratory.
College of Fine Arts
College of Fine Arts
Project Director and Project Manager for the redevelopment of an operating campus at University of NSW to provide new and expanded teaching, learning, gallery and studio spaces for art and design education.
GP Super Clinics
GP Super Clinics
Project Manager of fast track design and project start-up for the refurbishment of two heritage-listed buildings, the construction of two new buildings, and the fitout of a recently completed building at University of Queensland.
Innovation and Technology Building
Innovation and Technology Building
Project Manager of design reviews and optimisation to meet capital and recurrent cost targets and project management of the new University of Queensland Technology and Innovation Building.
School of Geosciences
School of Geosciences
Refurbishment and upgrade of University of Sydney research and laboratory facilities in the heritage listed Madsen Building.
Australian Classics Centre
Australian Classics Centre
Refurbishment of the University of Sydney's Department of Archaeology central library including a research centre for collaboration.
United States Study Centre
United States Study Centre
Staged refurbishment of University of Sydney office areas and meeting/teaching spaces, including high-technology AV and communications systems.
Development Review and Feasibility Analysis
Development Review and Feasibility Analysis
Developed a technical review and development costs, broad market based assessment and a feasibility analysis for the South Werrington Urban Village Development. Capital Insight later was engaged to developed a strategic review into development model options for UWS.